A Talking Parrot Walks Into A Shop.

What follows Next is Hilarious.

A talking parrot walks into a shop and asks:

“Do you have peanuts?”.

The shop owner replies

“No, we don’t” and the parrot walks out.

The following morning, the same parrot goes back to the same shop and says

“Do you have peanuts?”

The owner replies

“No, we don’t” so the parrot leaves.

The next day, the parrot goes back to the shop and asks

“Do you have peanuts?”

The owner, annoyed, answers

“No, we don’t, and if you come back here asking for peanuts again I’ll put you in a cage.”

The next day, the parrot walks in and asks

“Do you have any cages?

“Surprised, the shop owner replies

“No, we don’t.” “Great”, the parrot says,

“in that case, do you have peanuts?”