A Local News Station Interviews An Old Farmer About A Farmer’s Daily Life.

This Will Make You Laugh Crazy.

A local news station interviews an old farmer about a farmer’s daily life.

Interviewer: So, Mister, where do you wash your cows?

Farmer: The white one or the black one?

The interviewer wonders what the farmer means and goes along with it.

Interviewer: Umm… the white one.

Farmer: I wash her by the river.

Interviewer: What about the black one?

Farmer: I wash her by the river, too.

The interviewer raises her eyebrows and is a bit confused.

Interviewer: Well then, mister, what do you feed your cows?

Farmer: The white one or the black one?

Interviewer: The white one.

Farmer: I feed her grass.

Interviewer: What about the black one?

Farmer: I feed her grass, too.

This time, the interviewer is a bit annoyed and tries one more time.

Interviewer: Okay then, where do you keep your cows?

Farmer: The white one or the black one?

Interviewer: The white one.

Farmer: I keep her inside the barn.

Interviewer: What about the black one?

Farmer: I keep her inside the barn, too.

Finally, the interviewer could not take it any longer.

Interviewer: Mister, why do you keep asking if it’s the white one or the black one if you’ll just give the same answer?

Farmer: Well… That’s because the black one is mine.

Interviewer: What about the white one?

Farmer: That one’s mine too.

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